I’ve compiled these impressions based on 20th Century American Christian popular media, Fox News, and several weekend retreats in my teens.
JibbaJabba-Jewtalk-Name was put on a stick by evil, poor brown people and left out in the sun to Tan and Diet in order to purge himself of the Original Sins of Jewishness, Brownishness, Liberalism and Poverty. In memory of this, Christy people deep fry things and eat them on sticks.
Klint Finley over at Renegade Futurist recently pointed out This Story from the Wall Street Journal about the city of Oakland, CA hiring private guards to supplement their police force. Their reasoning, that contracting private guards are less expensive than hiring new police officers may well be sound; however, there's a moral issue involved that concerns me: who bears responsibility for the actions of those private guards?
I look at the T. V.
Your America’s doing well
I look out the window
My America’s catching hell
I just want to know which way do I go to get to your America?
I just want to know which way do I go to get to your America?
I change the channel
Your America’s doing fine
I read the headlines
My America’s doing time
I just want to know which way do I go to get to your America?
I just want to know which way do I go to get to your America?
Go west young, go west young man
Don’t want to crossover
Sandwiched in between "Sec. 1075. Patent term extensions for the badges of the American Legion, the American Legion Women's Auxiliary, and the Sons of the American Legion." and "Sec. 1077. Increased hunting and fishing opportunities for members of the Armed Forces, retired members, and disabled veterans." is another nail in the coffin of American liberty. "Sec. 1076. Use of the Armed Forces in major public emergencies." is a nasty piece of legislation which bypasses the checks and balances on the establishment of martial law provided by the Insurrection Act (10 U.S.C.331 -335 and Posse Comitatus Act (18 U.S.C.1385).
Recording contracts with RIAA companies are more or less equivalent to signing away your payday. Many smaller acts, even those who tour frugally, end up in debt because of the contract they signed regarding promotional costs and so on.
The recording/music publishing industry as a whole does a really neat trick of making it look like they are doing the band a favor, making them work their tails off, and still have to pay for the privilege of having a contract.
In geek terms, here's how recording industry works: